
Cambodia 2015: Day 7 - Solid Rock

Cambodia 2015: Day 7 - Solid Rock

Cambodia 2015: Day 7 - Solid Rock

An exciting second day today at Solid Rock with a morning service run for adults and children. Lots of energy, laughter and fun. In the afternoon, Professor Ningwen and Dr Castro performed surgery to remove a tumour from a patient who was examined at the medical clinic which took place the day before. The patient was suffering from pain with this tumour for 2 years. 

Cambodia 2015: Day 6 - Solid Rock

Cambodia 2015: Day 6 - Solid Rock

Cambodia Day 06 - Solid Rock 

Solid Rock is a church, orphanage, school and hospital! A day spent at the base of Solid Rock with a morning clinic, lunch and an invitation to a local football tournament entering as Solid Life FC!

Cambodia 2015: Day 5 - Tabaeng village

Cambodia 2015: Day 5 - Tabaeng village

Cambodia Day 05 - Tabaeng Village

We arrived at Tabaeng village at 9:30, and were greeted by more children than we could count and a crowd of patients waiting to be seen. Tabaeng village is one that Pastor Castro has recently begun to outreach to; once a week he visits to teach the children English and bible stories.

Cambodia 2015: Day 4 - Smounh Village

Cambodia 2015: Day 4 - Smounh Village

Today we visited the Smounh village ministry and were able to run a medical clinic, sing songs, make balloon animal gifts and play with the children, delousing procedure and we finished off with snacks and farming gifts such as a tiller and various seeds. 


BIG NEWS!! We have fund-raised more than £1500 for Bread & Life International. This is AMAZING! Big thank you to all who donated/supported/prayed for us.


For those of you who have missed out, you can follow the 5 day challenge by the team on a dedicated Facebook page:


You can start planning for Live Below the Line 2016! :)