children's ministry

Cambodia 2015: Day 5 - Tabaeng village

Cambodia 2015: Day 5 - Tabaeng village

Cambodia Day 05 - Tabaeng Village

We arrived at Tabaeng village at 9:30, and were greeted by more children than we could count and a crowd of patients waiting to be seen. Tabaeng village is one that Pastor Castro has recently begun to outreach to; once a week he visits to teach the children English and bible stories.

Cambodia 2015: Day 4 - Smounh Village

Cambodia 2015: Day 4 - Smounh Village

Today we visited the Smounh village ministry and were able to run a medical clinic, sing songs, make balloon animal gifts and play with the children, delousing procedure and we finished off with snacks and farming gifts such as a tiller and various seeds.