Cambodia 2015: Day 5 - Tabaeng village
We arrived at Tabaeng village at 9:30, and were greeted by more children than we could count and a crowd of patients waiting to be seen. Tabaeng village is one that pastor Castro has recently begun to outreach to; once a week he visits to teach the children English and bible stories.
Mike has shared a short but powerful gospel message before the programme. 27 people accepted Christ on the spot - a testament to God working in the village!
Shortly after arriving we began children ministry with 100 children. The doctors and their helpers also quickly began work, seeing over 100 patients in the space of 4 hours. Just like other Medical clinics, we give out gospel booklet to all the patients. Finally, we gave vegetable seeds to the school to provide them with a source of food, and the opportunity to teach the children how to farm.
After leaving the village, we continued to distribute water pumps to 7 families and helped to install them into 4 wells. These water pumps allow the villagers to access water more easily and also provide a covering for the well to keep the water clean.
After lunch, we paid a visit to the pig farm, which has been completely funded by bread and life; this includes the farm, pigs and all the food. The farm is in the process of being built, and so far we have 7 pigs, 2 of which will be bred to produce piglets ( about 12 each) which will be given to other local pastors. This will become a sustainable income for Solid Rock Orphanage and the pastor who rears the pigs.
At the evening, we were provided with a special dinner with Solid Rock children and staff. This was followed by an evening of games and music with children and then we finally finished our day with a friendly basketball game against the boys in the rain.
Today the children said farewell to Dr Ivan and yin who are leaving tomorrow. Please pray for a safe journey home for them both.
“Please also keep tabaeng village in your prayers, and to open up the hearts of those villagers who have not yet accepted the gospel. ”