Nepal 2019
Day 7_Monday
Isabella and Hui Hui
Catching A Glimpse
Today’s a ‘lazy’ day. We didn’t have a heavy program planned for the day. So in the morning we took the opportunity and went out to see the mountains. Unfortunately, it was a bit overcast so we only had a vague glimpse of part of the mountain range. Maybe, this is a good excuse to come back again on another trip to Nepal.
The meeting we were assigned to go and speak to was set for the late afternoon, that meant we had a bit of time to watch the talent show by the youth before that. We see God’s goodness in these youths, as they bloom with gifts and talents. We got to watch their talent show and it was amazing. I (Hui Hui) used to be concerned that I might not have a good role model to follow or teach me things in life, but seeing these youths, I am now confident to say and know that we have the best teacher and role model—our Lord, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit—we can trust our lives with.
Video: Snippets of Youth Camp Talent Show
We went over to Janagal Church, which was 10 minutes away in a hired bus with all the young girls (boys and girls travelled separately, some of the boys walked and those who had motorbikes would offer a lift to someone else). The bus was packed and they were so kind to give up their seats for us. When we arrived, it took just a few minutes to walk on uneven dirt road, up the hill and down again to get to the church building, which was a simple structure of 4 walls and a roof. In the front, there was a small makeshift screen made of a piece of pinned up white cloth (which was not too white anymore), and the stage about 3 to 4 feet deep. As it’s customary that everyone sits on the floor.
We started off the session with an amazing time of worship. All of them were so enthusiastic. It wasn’t difficult for us to get into the spirit of worship even though we did not know the language. Vania gave a short talk on ‘Career in the Kingdom’, followed by Isabella’s sharing on inner healing. Apparently they are very knowledgeable about deliverance and the casting out of demons, as they grew up in an environment where people worship many gods. However, they don’t have much understanding about what inner healing was. It was difficult trying to explain the concept of inner healing in just 45 minutes, but as it was the last session for the afternoon, they graciously told me that I (Isabella) could take as long as necessary, even if it meant forgoing their dinner. I shared about the biblical principles of inner healing with the key of forgiveness. Followed by a time of corporate ministry and individual prayers for some. Their scheduled dinner time was for 6pm but we didn’t finish until 7:30pm.
Isabella then led everyone into a prayer for forgiveness, repentance and spiritual healing. Many of them responded, with loud cries of pain, sorrow and desperation. They sounded like they have suffered much. We were overwhelmed by their sufferings and felt their pain, but we could see that they wanted to forgive and hand their judgements over to God.
By the end of the night, I (Hui Hui) couldn’t remember how many people I have prayed for, but I knew I was exhausted and had no more strength to give. However, I am comforted that and felt that God had repaired their broken hearts, turn their suffering into blessings, and gave them a fresh and renewed life. They have exchanged their pain for joy. I’m amazed by our God who is our living hope. May God continue to bless them.
We were then ushered into the pastor’s office where we had dinner. They were so hospitable and kept asking if we wanted more food. After dinner, as we were about to walk back up the little winding path to catch our lift home, there was an electricity power cut. We had to use our torchlights from our mobile phones to pick our way back up the hill. Such power cuts happen often, but thankfully it happened at just the right time. I knew God had protected us from the power cut until the session had finished. Not only that, God protected our journeys on motorbikes to and fro as well!
As the night approached an end, I (Isabella) found myself contemplating on the young people I witnessed. Most of them were so happy, cheerful and hungry for God, despite not having much in life. As for us living in the western world, although we are so privileged, oftentimes, we don’t always appreciate what we have, and sometimes God becomes an extra accessory. We have a lot to learn from them.
Joo Hee
Honesty and Transparency
In the morning, everyone but Yang went to view the Himalaya mountains just a drive away, as he was sick since the day before. Even though the weather was a little cloudy, it was still nice and crisp. I looked around my surroundings, and for a moment, I couldn’t believe where I was. I was in such a different country, surrounded by such beautiful people. It was especially nice to have some time off to enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee and some momos, and a beautiful view before us. I felt so blessed and was thanking God.
We went back to Ropheka Church for lunch, and attended a youth talent show. In one of the performances, a girl was defeating evil spirits together with Jesus. I was delighted as it made me recall that I am never alone. I hope every youth in the youth camp would meditate on this fact; that God is always with us.
In the evening, our team was divided in two, I stayed at the church along with Henna, Sylvia, Brenda and David, to join in the evening activity of the youth camp. During the evening camp, I witnessed many of the youth collapse and fall to the ground. At that point, I had many thoughts about what I just witnessed. I do believe that the Holy Spirit was working among us that evening, but perhaps not in everyone. I felt uncomfortable and decided to squat at the back of the hall for a while, and prayed for them. I was asking the Holy Spirit to allow the youth to respond honestly and transparently before the Lord. This got me thinking about how the Holy Spirit works. You might ask, “What happens to us when the Holy Spirit comes upon us?”
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—He will testify about me.” John 15:25
“When He comes, He will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin about righteousness and judgment; about sin, because people do not believe in me; about righteousness,because I’m going to the father, where you can see me no longer; about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.” John 16:8-11
You see, the Holy Spirit gives us the perspective of God, the knowledge of truth and true values and also lead us in our lives, so that we may live as children of God. I was thankful that I had the opportunity to share my thoughts later that evening. I found out that Srijana shared similar views. She told me that the youth often experience the Holy Spirit in this way, but yet continue living their lives the way they did before. Some of them might have even pretended that they were touched by the Holy Spirit and collapsed.
Knowing this, I earnestly pray and want the Nepalese youth to know that the physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit is not the ultimately goal we are to strive for, it is just a part of the Holy Spirit’s work and only just the beginning of the journey with God. I too pray for ourselves to yield the fruits of the Spirit, and I trust in God, He will surely guide us all into the path of righteousness for His name’s sake, as we continue to allow His Spirit to work in our everyday lives.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” -Galatians 6:22-23