jonny wong

Nepal 2016 Nov | Day 2 | BLi x OMMA

Nepal 2016 Nov | Day 2 | BLi x OMMA

Prayer requests: 

  • Continue to pray for the youths here in Nepal. Pray for teachable hearts and that they would be used in His kingdom.
  • Pastor Eva (aka Pastor Cool) is joining us tomorrow, YEAH!  Pray for her journey.
  • I am sharing at the morning session tomorrow. Pray for wisdom and all the words that I say will be from God.  

Nepal 2016 Nov | Day 0 | BLi x OMMA

Nepal 2016 Nov | Day 0 | BLi x OMMA

I am very excited to join Pastor John and his OMMA mission team to Nepal this coming week (starting on the 29th October). The team will be there for about 10 days. First half of the trip, just like last year’s trip, we will be serving at the CAC youth camp in Benepa and the second half, the team will set up dental clinics at different villages. Sadly, I am only able to stay for the first half of the trip