The countdown has begun. We are now less than 10 days before this summer's mission begins and the team arrives in Siem Reap with a schedule of medical clinics, deworming and de-licing, children's programme, feeding programme at children's centre, distribute seeds to villages for local plantation.
As supporters and friends, I am sure you are all very excited about this. We've put together a prayer letter for the team, the family, friends & supporters to prayerfully pray through on this missions.
Let's spend some time before and during the trip to pray for the team, Cambodia and our Cambodian partners.
Firstly, WHY Cambodia? Here are some facts…
1. 2 million Cambodians, ¼ nation’s population killed during the Pol Pot’s 3 ½ years in power (80% of teachers, 95% of doctors, and almost all who had an education).
2. More than ¾ its people still lives more or less as they did 1000 years ago.
3. Annual income of Thailand about US$3000, Cambodia is just under US$600, the second lowest in Asia, even North Koreans are more prosperous.
Prayer Request
l Pray for justice and healing from the Khmer Rouge genocide of the late 1970's.
l Pray for a display of God’s power and continued unprecedented growth within the Cambodian Church.
l Pray for deliverance and salvation for the millions of children in bondage to forced labor, human trafficking, and the sex trade.
““The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” ”
Prayer Request
l Pray that God's hand totally guiding our steps. Pray that the team is protected, physically and spiritually, from the wiles of the Devil.
l Pray that good relationships form among our team and with our partners in Cambodia; Loving one another and work together with one mind and purpose (Philippians 2:2-5).
l Pray for clarity and boldness of speech. Pray for everyone in the team that they will have open doors and that when they open their mouth that the Holy Spirit will speak the words with great clarity.