Dear friends,
Thank you all so much for all your love and support for the Nepal mission trip. The team are all safely back to their home countries for nearly a month and are so excited to share what we have witness with you all.
There were a total of 33 of us from over 7 different countries, 14 of which were from the BLi team. Special thank you to Pastor John and Pastor Perry's team, Doctor Michael, Pastor Lee from Hope Orphanage, and all our local partners from the Assemblies of God (AoG) churches. And of course we thank our Heavenly Father for His love and protection throughout the trip. He is so gracious!

With all the prayers, donations and support, we were able make a difference to all those we met. Thank you once again for everything that was given from financial donations, time, effort to thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray for the team, for God to continue to work through each of us in everything that we do back home in our daily lives.
As mentioned before, we can not wait to share our testimonies of this trip and everything with you all. We have scheduled several live sharing sessions in various churches. We encourage you to make it to one of the live sharings if possible to hear the stories first handle. Details of the sharings will be out soon so stay tuned! Additionally, the Nepal daily blogs will be uploaded soon so stay tuned! For now, please check out the video clips in our FB page -
BLi Nepal Team 2018