I would like to share about the Hong Kong medical team visit to BILEG Solid Rock. They came from the Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong and has been coming faithfully for the last 6-7 years. It was a good blessing to host them as they visit the compound and medical clinics. This time around, they came with 5 medical doctors which includes radiologist, pathologist, intensivist, GP and Emergency doctor. Each of them a specialist in their own field. Let's not forget the other valuable members, including dentists, translators and BILEG staff that worked together on those 2 days.
The Hong Kong team were performing a song, a spirited performance.
The team started with the Sunday service, and we both exchanged performances and worship. After the service, we ate lunch at a restaurant before returning to the hospital for the start of the medical ministry.
During lunch time, there were indeed some surprises. Perhaps discouragement from evil forces or horrible circumstance. I do not know. Yet I know Gods grace is upon us. As we were eating, suddenly one of the blades of the ceiling detached itself and flew and landed flatly on a doctors plate. I was sitting next to her and was relieved as It came quite suddenly and close to a collision with her head. The ceiling fan was actually originating from another table.
We prayed and gave thanks to God for his providence. And within the next few minutes another glass filled with hot tea cracked and broke, shattering glass over the floor. Again, undeterred, we hurried back to the hospital after dinner.
This was where we had lunch.
On the back to the hospital, I felt severely unwell. On hindsight, I was unwell since that morning with diarrhea and feeling dry. I suspect I foolish my drank some stagnant water in a kettle for my coffee the previous day. Therefore, it resulted in me missing on most of the days activities and unable to participate as well as I could have.
After resting for a few hours, I ventured outside under the relief of paracetamol and some oral rehydration fluids. I wanted to at least capture some pictures of the team's activity. Perhaps a glimpse of the future of this hospital, with staff rushing around and a stream of patients waiting.
At the reception area. If u look closely, you can see the tent
Another look at the staff clerking the patients
Consultation area, the doctors being assisted by the translators
A busy consultation area.
Later, I realized I was tachycardic ( heart beating too fast) when we where testing our heart rate. I retired to my room, only to awake much later with a temperature of 39.5 and feeling very weak. I ate some dinner, watched some of the night time fellowship, before heading back to bed.
Fellowship with the kids and the Hong Kong team. Reminded me of the time BLI team came.
Dr Castro, Sona and Ring Ring visited me at night after dinner. After a blood pressure measurement, we agreed for putting me on IV for the night. I doubled down on the antibiotics and Sona stayed nearby, changing the IV if needed. I am truly thankful for their care and grace showed to me.
I did not insert this needle by myself. Though I do understand the troubles it cause when using the toilet.
In my distress, I perhaps have an inkling of fear. Of weakness and the thought that "what if I get worse". Through closed my eyes and I pray out in my heart for my saviour, for peace. Ephesians 3:20 gave me some solace.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
If this power is the same one that raises Christ from the dead, do I need fear. Does not God hear our request or read our thoughts?
By his grace, by fever subsides by the next morning. Feeling better, I drank more and continued my medication. The effects of the infection still prove to have inflamed much of my intestinal walls, to which I suspect will take a while to heal fully.
thank you for your prayers and support!!!
Stay tuned for the next Update! On Michael and the arrival of the Computer System for the Hospital!
- Please pray for the upcoming medical mission by the Singapore team. That it will be used for his Glory.
- Please pray for the staff and Dr Castro's family. For Love, Unity and Wisdom in doing Gods work.
- Please pray for the smooth installation of the hospital system.
See you soon!
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