Love Thailand is becoming Bread & Life International: Restore, Rebuild & Revive
Exciting news! Following our trips to Burma and Thailand this year and doors opening to Cambodia (more of this to follow), we have outgrown the current name "Love Thailand" as much as we have grown to love it. During a SGM meeting on 30th Sept 2012, all members present voted to have the name changed to Bread & Life International: Restore, Rebuild & Revive. The name is consistent to our charitable belief. "Bread" charities has in the days past always associated with alms and providing for the poor and needy. Bread is symbolic of the basic necessary of life both physical and spiritually speaking. Life is what we believe in, that humans should have a whole and abundant life, whether it is housing for children, building farms so that life can be self supporting or medical missions - they all have a theme of improving and making life whole. The subtitles Restore, Rebuild and Revive are basically the means we operate. We have submitted the name change request with the Charity Commission. So do pray that this will be a smooth process.
And do watch this space and we will be advertising our 2013 trips soon!
Bristol Half Marathon - 30 Sept 2012
Wow, an step up from the Bristol 10K, we now have 7 volunteers bravely stepping forward to run the Bristol Half Marathan on 30th Sept to raise funds for Love Thailand. The funds raised will be channelled directly to CareCorner Orphange to bring in and support 25 Karen children into the orphanage.
Ai Seok and Scott will run their company Everything Everywhere's support. Everything Everywhere will match 25% of the giving and you can donate via
The rest of the team, Hui King, Wai, Benson, Julia and Nadia will run under the LoveThailand banner and you can show your support via
Don't forget to gift aid you donations.
Thanks again for all the support and encouragement and your donations will go a long way and make a difference in a child's life.
LoveThailand is registered with VirginMoneyGiving!
Great News! Lovethailand is now registered with VirginMoneyGiving. This means that it will be easier for you to donate. Also if you are a UK tax payer, then virginmoneygiving can also claim gift aid on Lovethailand’s behalf, this will make your donation go a longer way!
As always, we are grateful for your time, support and donations. Keep reading!
God is opening up the door for us to serve in Burma's poorest area for a medical relief mission partnering with Crisis Relief Singapore ( A group of us will travel to Burma from 8th July for about 5 days for this mission. This is an opportunity for us to be trained as well for future disaster relief work such as earthquakes, floods and the aftermath. Although it is mainly medical, there will be other ministries such as orphanage ministry, praying for the sick, help with the logistics. Come on Doctors, medics, nurses, pharmacologist and anyone willing to serve!